Final project

 I think the most important thing about the global village is to strengthen the connection between people. So new media is a thing that shortens the distance between everyone in the world through electronic media. I can see what's happening anywhere in the world on my phone, and I can see what anyone in the world is saying. I think that's the most important thing about new media art. It's about connecting everyone through one thing. I think all artworks under the TOPIC of the global village are overly subjective. And by knowing what the local people think, you can effectively avoid this subjectivity.

New media also has the same problem that we are controlled by the government. For example, during the Cold War, the Soviets had a view of the United States and the Americans had a view of the Soviet Union. All were discredited through media mediums such as newspapers. We can't be objective, but a Soviet's subjective view must be greater than an American's view of the Soviet Union.

The same is true of society now, and the previous friction between China and the United States has led to many of these problems. When I watch the views on websites now, which are also called the new media, I think this is not my China, and this is not America I am in. So I'm more desperate for everyone to be able to connect as individuals. And not Chinese and American. What I want more than anything is that people are with people.


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